Qurbani Appeal 
Allah says in the Qur’an:
“Their meat will not reach Allah, nor will their blood, but what reaches Him is piety from you.” 
Fulfil your Qurbani from Only £20.
They eat meat once a year... 😢
We’re so blessed to eat meat daily, sometimes two or three times every single day. I’ve travelled to places around the world where our fellow Muslim brothers and sisters would only eat meat once in the whole year, and that is in Dhul Hijjah! 

Sadly, some of them only dream of eating meat at all, Subhan Allah. 

We’ve got a chance in front of us right now to make this a reality by fulfilling our Qurbani sacrifice with Masjid Aid in countries such as Kashmir and India, from Only £20 per large animal share. 

Remember, Qurbani is not as simple as slaughtering an animal and distributing the meat. The word is derived from the word “Qurb” which in Arabic means “nearness” - in this case, drawing nearer to our creator Allah swt! 

Do you want to be near to Allah swt? 
Fulfil your Qurbani today and Donate Now!
Take a step towards Allah swt... 
 We all want to be near to Allah swt and sometimes we forget our true purpose in this life is to worship and please Him by offering sacrifices in every part of our life, whether that is time, effort or wealth. 

Please Donate your Qurbani today and don’t miss out on this opportunity to fulfil your Islamic duty and at the same time, take steps to become closer to the Almighty Allah swt and in turn, He will take strides towards you!

Brothers and sisters, please Donate Now for the sake of Allah swt, feed your brothers and sisters in these blessed days. Their dua's are truly priceless. 

May Allah swt reward you!
Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.) said :
"None of you will believe until you love for your brother what you love for yourself."
[Bukhari and Muslim]

Your donation will Save Lives today.
Fulfil your Qurbani duty today from Only £20
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